Thursday, January 2, 2014

Jumping in! Starting off with a 20 Day Blog Challenge

My incredibly talented  friend, Kelly Hines at, posted the following 20 Day Blogging Challenge. (If you'd like to join us, head over to her website and sign up) I've been inspired by so many people, like Kelly, that are working to bring people together while learning. It can be intimidating to publish something for all to see, but I'm jumping in. 2014 has officially kicked off and just following it my 1st blog post.

Day 1: One of my all time favorite teaching books is - "Oh the Places You'll Go !" By Dr. Seuss
I've used this with all ages of learners from preschool to adults! There are so many one-liners that students can make connections with! Recently, I found a great infographic that includes some of these in a list of 30 Dr. Seuss Quotes That Can Change Your Life (

Here is another resource  for teachers that include lesson plans and ideas for this book:
blogging challenge


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Marita, welcome to the blogging challenge. That is one of my favorite Dr. Seuss books. Thank you for sharing the link to the infographic. I could see using it as a writing prompt for students. Have them select their favorite quote listed and explain what is means in their life. (Sorry about deleting the first comment I wrote. It looked like I had posted the same comment twice, but when I tried to dleted one everything was gone.)

    1. Paula, thank you for posting a comment! I still keep a large stack of Dr. Seuss books under my bed, like I did as a little kid. I love so many of his books!
