Sunday, January 12, 2014

What is Your Definition of Assessment?

The question, "What is your definition of assessment?" came up on two Twitter chats (#IDedchat and #denchat) that I participated in this week. My answer was something like, "an opportunity for the learner to demonstrate what they know about a topic/subject." As the conversation in the chats moved into more specific definitions of formative vs. summative assessment and how teachers should implement these both, a couple of key points really stood out to me.

I'm thankful for my ever growing and wise Professional Learning Community that share treasures with me each week. Special thanks this week to @shareski and @ajpoggio for reminding us that assessment is something that learners should be part of. We all need to feel ownership in the process of our learning, and we should have a voice in how we would like to share this information with others. 

Check out the book, A Repair Kit for Grading: 15 Fixes for Broken Grades. by Ken O'Connor. You can also ask questions about philosophy, procedures, policies, and practices of grading by visiting "The Grade Doctor.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting that Marita. We need to continue to change the narrative around assessment. For too many that both are on the implementation and receiving end, it's a dirty and ugly word. To me learning IS assessment. I still am working out all the nuances and love to engage in conversations like this. Stay well my friend.
